Professional Translations Services for

For Official and Certified Documents

Sworn Translation

A sworn translation is officially recognized by institutions and several public authorities in Brazil and is valid as an official or certified document.

Academic Diplomas

Driver’s License

National ID Card

Contracts & Agreements

Power of Attorney


For All Industries

Technical Translation

Technical translation, i.e. non-certified translation, is the translation of documents and texts whose content belongs of a certain technical field.

Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation (also known as simultaneous translation) is the verbal and simultaneous translation of a speaker’s speech into the language of one or more listeners continuously. On the other hand, consecutive interpretation is performed with pauses in parts, in which the interpreter mediates the communication between the participants.

 Commonly required for online or face-to-face events involving participants of different nationalities, these services are intended to mediate the interaction between interlocutors who speak different languages in workshops, meetings, discussions, courses, conferences, etc. This communication is only possible through professional interpreters who are fluent in their working languages and trained in translation, interpreting and communication techniques.

A Imagem descreve o serviço de Tradução Simultânea (Tradução Consecutiva) oferecido pela Sintropia Traduções.
A Imagem descreve o serviço de Interpretação de Libras oferecido pela Sintropia Traduções.

Sign Language Interpretation

This service may be required both to translate a text or speech from Portuguese into LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language), or from LIBRAS into Portuguese (when there is a deaf speaker, for example) instantly (either simultaneous or consecutive). A sign language interpreter offers accessibility to people who are deaf or hearing impaired and the presence of these professionals has increased significantly in events, courses, ceremonies and workshops.


Proofreading is the thorough verification of the grammar, syntax and semantics of a text and the implementation of appropriate corrections, when necessary. In the case of proofreading a translation, the task includes comparing the original document with the translated one in order to ensure total accuracy and fidelity. This service is provided with the utmost attention and care at Sintropia Traduções in order to deliver high fluency and terminological standardization.

Desktop Publishing

Desktop publishing is performed through the use of modern software programs and tools for editing, image processing, as well as visual formatting of text documents or institutional presentations. This can also be an additional step in the translation process, to ensure the presentation of documents in their original formatting and layout, with their content properly translated.

Audio and Video Transcription
& Video Captioning

The audio and video transcription consists of transforming the content of an audio or video into a written format. Video captioning may be associated with the transcription service, but it may also be contracted independently

Audio and Video Transcription


Dissemination of Lectures or Speeches

Video Captioning

Synchronization of Text and Audio on Media

Wide Variety of Formats and Languages

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